Friday, May 17, 2024

Daily Bulletin for 5-17-24


May 17, 2024

Weekly Events:  Friday - HS Track - District @ Chehalis (3pm start)                          

Student Information:

• RSB Volleyball Players - We are frosting and boxing donuts for our fundraiser this Sunday at 10 AM at the SB Cafeteria.  Maple Bars will be available for pickup from 1-3PM at the South Bend cafeteria on Sunday.
• Attention Jr High Track students, it is time to return your gear. Please return your gear to Coach Hatfield during passing period or after school BEFORE next Tuesday, May 21st. If you have not returned your gear by then a fine will be assigned to you.
• Raymond School District is hiring Custodial and Kitchen help for the summer. Drop off your resume and Letter of Interest for one position or both to the District Office by today.  Interviews will be conducted after the closing date.
• Happy Birthday to Kira Flemetis, Harper Glazier, and Aaron Somero!!

Lunch:  Friday – Sloppy Joe, carrots, sliced pears, Scooby Doo snack crackers

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