Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Daily Bulletin for 6-5-24


June 5, 2024

Weekly Events:  Thursday – Class Day – 1:30pm
    Saturday – Graduation – 2:00pm in high school gym

Student Information:

• Students you will be turning in your Chromebook on Monday. Make sure you bring your Chromebook, charger, and case to school to avoid fines.
• Friday we will be having class elections.  At 2:30 you will report to your advisors' classrooms and discuss and vote for the 24-25 class officers.  7th and 8th graders will report to the Flex Center.
• Sherry Franks will be here on Friday to administer sports physicals.  The cost will be      $25.  Forms can be picked up in the high school office or from Mr. Tully.  Forms and money are due to Mr. Tully tomorrow.  
• If you are interested in getting your own copy of the yearbook, please pay Jana Richards $50 and bring the receipt to my classroom before or after school, or in between classes.  If Jana is not in her office, it's ok to bring the money to my room instead.            
• Attention Students, to register for classes for next year, you will be using your Skyward accounts. We are hoping to start this process next week. Please make sure you know your Skyward password and can login to Skyward. If you cannot log into Skyward, you cannot choose your elective classes for next year.  

Lunch:  Wednesday – Cheese burger, carrots, green beans, oranges
Thursday – Mac & Cheese, roasted parmesan broccoli, sliced pears, dinner roll
Friday – Corn dog coleslaw, baked beans, apricot halves

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